On Vacation

Holiday is on.
I'm on vacation.
Another country to visit.
Another continent to step my feet.

Have a nice holiday, everyone :)

Packing (non) pusing

I'm packing up.

Saya suka packing. Bisa jadi karena saya suka banget jalan-jalan, jadi exctiting banget untuk urusan beginian plus ngurusin printil-printilan. Seru rasanya ngitungin berapa celana panjang, celana pendek plus kaos atau jaket sambil ngebayangin yang ini di mix'n'match sama yang itu. Satu-satunya problem saya ketika packing buat liburan adalah jumlah undies. Alasannya yaitu karena tidak bisa dipakai dua kali, ngga mungkin nyuci plus mesti bawa dengan rumus: Jumlah hari x 2.  Kali ini saya akan pergi selama 8 hari dan menurut rumus saya, saya harus membawa 16 buah. Selesai menghitung, saya biasanya buka lemari, melihat bagian yang paling atas, mengambil, mulai menghitung, dan kurang! Sebenernya saya tipe perempuan yang rajin shopping untuk urusan 'dalem' tapi entah kenapa selalu kurang kalo mau packing. Hal lain yang berbeda dalam packing kali ini, saya harus membawa stok pembalut. Ya, betul sekali. Jalan-jalan kali ini bersamaan dengan jadwal si merah berkunjung. But no worry! Nothing can stop me enjoying my vacation.

Can't wait 'til Thursday :)

Life | Puzzle

You have your own puzzle called LIFE.
You'll never know the right place for the right piece
before you try for several time.
Sometimes you put the wrong piece in the wrong place.
but it gets easier as you try harder and harder.
Can you solve yours?
Will you always try hard to make every piece right?

- somehow, the more you solve, the more you get puzzled -

Odd or Diferrent?

Odd (adj.): Strange, Peculiar
Different (adj.): Differing from all others, Unusual

What are you my friend?
Are you different? or are you odd?
It's not only about wearing different uniform as you break the rules.
It's not about the red cardy you wore when the rest wore Batik.
It's not about your grey T-shirt you wore when all staff wore black.
Are you being different?
Or are you becoming odd?
It's not only about your public-secret problems when the rest kept them privately.
It's not only about your fake loud laughter when the rest was working.
It's not about your silence, my friend.
Silence is needed sometimes, but not for diverting your problem with others.
Are you hoping everyone in this world feels pity about you?
Are you hoping that everyone in this world understands, sympathizes, tolerates you?
Every human being who has heartbeats is having problem, my friend.
Everyone who's conscious has ever stumbled over a stone.
Even a donkey won't fall down into the same hole.
We all have something in common.
The difference is...
People solve their problem, but you live in your problem.
People fall down and try to get up, but you stuck in your maze.
A dead-end. A blind alley. A stalemate.
Are we living in the same world?
Are we breathing the same air?
Are you too afraid to live the reality?
Is the reality leaving you far behind so you can't chase it?

Are you going insane?

Don't Sweat Small Stuffs?

He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.
(Luke 16:10)

Barangsiapa setia dalam perkara-perkara kecil, ia setia juga dalam perkara-perkara besar. Dan barangsiapa tidak benar dalam perkara-perkara kecil, ia tidak benar juga dalam perkara-perkara besar. 
(Lukas 16:10)

Don't Sweat small stuffs.