D i a

Ketika orang tua dan saudara (yg lebih tua) bertanya ke gue tentang alasan-alasan gue mau menikah dengan dia. Well, setiap orang nanya pertanyaan itu, rasanya organ-organ tubuh gue nggak bekerja dengan baik. Otak gue lgsg aneh seperti ngga bisa mengubah pikiran menjadi bahasa verbal, dan mulut gue langsung beku dan nggak mau bergerak ngeluarin untaian kata-kata. Udh cukup lebay belum? :p

Sebenernya mungkin bukan salah organ tubuh gue juga. Entah mengapa pertanyaan itu nggak pernah bisa gue jawab dengan cermat, mulus, jelas, atau apalah seperti gue menjawab ujian kelulusan sarjana gue yg deg-degannya udh setengah mati.

Menjelaskan sebab gue mau menikahi dia pasti gue harus menjelaskan (beberapa) sifat-sifatnya yang cocok sama gue. Dan kata-kata yg bisa keluar dari mulut gue cuma:

1. karena pacarannya udh lama (okay...)
2. karena dia baik (klise ah...)
3. karena dia bisa mengimbangi sifat aku (tambah ga jelas..)

Crap! Itu doang yang bisa keluar dari mulut gue. Padahal what I meant in my mind and in my heart is waaay farther than those three cliche things.

So, mari gue jadikan post ini untuk menjelaskan hal-hal yang nggak bisa gue jelasin ke orang-orang secara komprehensif :p Well, untuk menghindari kedangdutan, kegombalan, dan kenajisan. Let me write them in English.

  1. He's the one who can boost the positive energy and positive thoughts of mine. When I'm in sadness or disappointment, he will tap my shoulder and fill my head with positive thoughts, or he will simply grab my cheeks, look into my eyes and say 'Trust me, everything's gonna be ok'.
  2. We know each other. More than that, we feel each other. Thanks to the time we've been through.
  3. He's the one who I trust as much as I trust myself. 
  4. Our like likenesses double our happiness. Our differences double our strength.
  5. For being true to his words.
  6. He can can actually put up with my occasional emotional outbursts.
  7. Hey, I can't believe that even I type this I can describe as much as I do feel. Well, the last that I can think about is... "I believe that he'll never ever give up on me".

You can tell my dad. 
He understands English. :p


Do you think you know me?

You may know my name,
But you don't know my story

you may know what I've done,
But you don't know what I've been through.

(read this somewhere)

I Want a Reading Room

Sebagai seseorang yang suka baca dan mempunyai (yah belum terlalu banyak) buku, gue selalu memimpikan untuk mempunyai reading room in my house. Besar atau kecil tidak masalah asalkan gue bisa melihat buku-buku gue tersusun rapi dan bisa diliat dlm satu tempat diruangan tersebut. Kalaupun berantakan, nggak bakalan scatter everywhere in different rooms. Gue membayangkan rak yang cukup untuk buku gue, rak bisa di gedein kalo suatu saat rak itu udah nggak cukup menampung buku gue. Hasil browsing di Google, gue menemukan gambar-gambar ini yang bikin gue makin pengen punya reading room. :D

walaupun nggak besar atau se-cozy ruangan di gambar-gambar itu setidaknya gue pengen punya reading room or at least reading corner. I imagine I'm gonna spend much time there reading for my kids and make them love reading. Semoga keinginan ini dapat terwujud. *colek calon suami. :D

My Favorite Wedding Vows

These are the most beautiful wedding vows I ever known.

Clark Kent's Version:
I, Clark Kent, take you, Lois Lane, to be my companion, forever. With you by my side I will never be alone. THough the world sees a strong and independent woman, I've never known someone with such gentle grace and more pure heart. When I've been lost you've always been there to bring me back, so on this day, at this moment, I pledge the rest of my life to you. You've always believed in me, and I believe in you. When you believe in someone it's not for a minute, or just for now, it's forever.

Lois Lane's Version:
I wanted these vows to be perfect, but perfection is a hard thing to get your hands on. But life is meant to be a little messy, and when it comes to love I think it's like my dad always said about the army: You only sign up if it's the only thing you could ever imagine doing. Clark, I can not imagine spending a moment of my life without you. I promise that I will always have your back, as you will always have mine. You're my best friend, you're my home, and you are my true love, and I am yours and will be forever.

Taken from: The last episode of Smallville season 10.

Tying the knot

Getting married for most people adalah salah satu hal yang membahagiakan bgt pastinya. Setelah waktu pacaran sekian lama (kadang ada yg sebentar juga sih), proses yang dilewati, sekian kata mesra, sekian kali berantem, akhirnya tiba juga saatnya untuk melangkah ke jenjang selanjutnya.

For me, getting married (yes, it is. officially and finally) is indefinable. We have experienced long process, a bit complicated yet special story. Dari stupid crush waktu SMP, jadian pas SMA, putus n balikan, smp akhirnya tiba pada keputusan "Ok, he's the one" memang bener2 menghabiskan waktu yang sangat lama dan gue yakin nggak semua orang bisa survive kalo ada dalam posisi gue :p kalo emang bener-bener mau dihitung secara jujur (halah), proses hubungan gue telah memakan waktu kurang lebih 14 tahun. Yak, silahkan melotot buat yang kaget. Selama ini cuma bisa senyum aja kalo orang pada komentar "lama banget pacarannya", "buruan kawin ngapa", "gak bosen apa lo?" dan ketika gue ksh tau kalo gue mau nikah, they mostly respond with "akhirnyaaa...". :D

I feel blessed. Always. Puppy love becomes true love. Nggak banyak orang yang mengalami kan? Kadang merasa lucu juga, dulu kayaknya merasa "He's the one" tapi dengan perasaan gejolak ABG. Kalo sekarang merasa "He's the one after a very long process". OMG, did I say that?


New layout. The last one is really really really pain in the ass.
I've spent money for nothing.
oh, just forget it