I love you because...

Taken from a book I've just read.

Banyak hubungan yang patah hilang dan berganti karena tidak memiliki komitmen.

I love her because of the way she treats me.
I love him because the way he makes me feel.
I love her because she's so beautiful.
I love him because he falls on my feet with roses and jewels.

Orang sering mendasari cinta atas hal-hal yang dianggap indah.
It may sound romantic dan melakukan hal tersebut bukan sesuatu yang salah. However, sometimes things get too romantic that we often hear people say it in cinemam with us eating popcorn and shushing rude people.

Jarang dari mereka (dan mungkin kita sendiri) berpikir:
I love her because of the way she treats me.
What happens if she stops treating you the way you love?

I love him because the way he makes me feel.
What happens if he stops making you feel that way?

I love her because she's so beautiful.
three weeks later a bus hit her.

I love him because he falls on my feet with roses and jewels.
out of the blue, he's broke that he couldn't buy you roses and jewels anymore.

Jarang ada yang mengatakan:
'Saya sayang dia karena saya ingin sayang dia.'

Itulah komitmen.
Komitmen adalah sumber kekuatan bukan sesuatu yang justru membuat orang takut menghadapinya.

'I love you because I want to.' That's a powerful sentence, right there.

Sebagian dari kita mungkin ada yang mencintai seseorang karena keadaan sesaat. Karena dia baik, karena dia pintar, even mungkin karena dia kaya. Tidak pernah terpikir apa jadinya, kalau dia mendadak jahat, mendadak tidak sepintar dahulu, atau mendadak miskin.
Will you still love them, then?

That's why you need commitment.
Don't love someone because of what/how/who they are.

From now on, start loving someone,

because you want to...

Taken from Test Pack Novel by Ninit Yunita; page193-196.


A, I loved and love you because I want to love you since the day we said we love each other.
Here we are now, exactly a month to ten years we said 'I love you'.
And still go on although the world itself changes that much.
I never see who you are, what you have, what you do.
all I want is love you,
the same you, the same love, the same us like 10 years ago.
nothing changes :)

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